Changing Colors

So I promised a format change, or at least a change in the look of my blog! Well, blogspot doesn't have a plethora of choices when it comes to templates, and I am not very creative. So once again I am just changing my colors. Truthfully, I'm not totally sold on the color choice, so don't be surprised if they change again in the near future. These will have to do for now.

Speaking of changing colors, I've noticed that the leaves are changing colors as well. I was marveling at the colors painted across the rolling hills that surround Lake Guntersville, when the thought hit me that leaves changing colors actually means those leaves are dying! It means that in a few short weeks, those particular leaves will fall from their limbs to the ground, and eventually return to the soil. So basically, the changing leaves that so beautifully dress the landscape are really just glorified compost! It was a bit of a depressing thought. However, it isn't so depressing when one realizes that new leaves will reappear in a few short months on those same limbs, changing the colors from winter brown to beautiful spring green.

The same is true with life. We go through different periods of growth, sometimes green and fruitful, and sometimes dry and barren. All the while God is grooming and shaping us, and reminding us that new life is ours through him. Brings a whole new meaning to regeneration right?

I feel like I can relate to the changing of the leaves at this point in my life. Sometimes I just feel a bit dry and fragile. I feel as though at any point a strong breeze is going to blow and knock me down for good. I can sense the cold winter approaching and I'm not excited about it. However, it is the promise of a spring to come, the promise of full life in Jesus Christ and one day perfection and completion with him in heaven for eternity that gives me hope. It reminds me that though in this world there are many troubles, hardships, and pain, I do not have to fear, for Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33). And in the meantime, God is still patiently and passionately molding and shaping me. I'm really thankful for God's steady hand, for his trustworthiness, his sovereignty, and his reliability. When all around cracks and fades, He is faithful. So perhaps you can take heart with me, and see that fall leads to winter, and winter leads to spring!

...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3-7

Setting the Record Straight

So maybe I jumped the gun a little! In my last post I said I was suspending my blog writing for an undetermined amount of time! Well I have to be honest and say that I was really just looking for a reaction, just trying to create a little buzz, just trying to stir the pot!

Truth-be-told I really like blogging and do it as much for myself as for anyone else (that's right I find myself quite entertaining!)It doesn't matter that not many folks read my blog! I enjoy writing and trying to spin a yarn in a creative fashion!

So, I am hereby lifting my self-imposed suspension and will continue blogging once again! A huge thanks goes to those of you who "begged" me not to stop (surprisingly they were the same folks who offered tag line suggestions....none of which I will be using). Be on the lookout for new posts, and perhaps a new design layout, when I get a chance!

The Results

One week ago today I started a contest for the new Shared Ignorance blog tag line! After receiving several entries (and by several I mean three) I have come to a conclusion and will announce the winner!

The conclusion! Three people read my blog!

The one!

The few tag lines entered into the contest were negative, and quite frankly in poor taste! In fact, not only do I declare NO winner, I also declare the 3 of you who entered losers! And utter failures!

This is an outrage!

So with the results comes another announcement! I am hereby suspending my blogging until further notice! I figure if I am blogging for no one to read, then I shall stop blogging and leave no one nothing else to read (that's right you three, I am now attaching onto your "loser" status the "no one" clause!)

This decision to cease blogging comes not only on the heals of my failed contest (though I still contend that my blog, tag lines, and contest were far more successful than Mr. Smoak House) but also on a recent discovery that I'd like to leave you with.

It's been fun! God Bless!

I Was Robbed

For those of who who may not know, Josh over at The Smoak House (no link given because his site is currently down) held a contest a few weeks back, offering a cash prize and lots of candy (at least that's what I understood the prize to be) to the person who submitted the most clever tag line for his blog. You may be familiar with these taglines. You'll notice mine above, and how creative it is.

Anyone who has been a regular reader of my blog can surely attest to my creativity, whit, humor, and overall wiritng expertise. Well I submitted 10 entries (there was no limit stated in the contest rules) and was sure that at least one, if not all 10 would win. I mean, they were all so incredibly innovative that I thought for sure Josh would be unable to pass them up, I would be the grand prize winner, my name would go down in history as the greatest blog-tag-line-writer of all time, and I would forever be revered as a legend in my own time.

Well, the verdict is in and the contest winner has been declared....drum roll please......I DIDN'T WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I know, shock and awe right!

That's right folks, I have been robbed of the title that was rightfully mine! And furthermore, rumor has it that he is giving the prize to his brother-in-law. Sounds suspicious I say! Now, before you get too worried about Josh (I can hear you all now asking "Is he out of his mind" "Has he had recent head trama" "Did Matt go crazy after not winning and harm Josh") let me assure you he is ok....well he may be crazy....but I haven't harmed him.....yet!

Instead, I've decided to take the high road. In effort to bring fairness back to all blog-tag-line-creation contests, I am now holding my own blog-tag-line contest! Here are the rules.

Submit at least one, but no more than 50 of the greatest blog tag-lines for Shared Ignorance in the comments section of this blog. Please be sure to include your name and e-mail address so that you can be contacted in the case that you win. Also there will be a small $100 entry fee that you can mail to me. Winners will recieve that honor of having their name alongside the winning blog tag line quote, and will recieve the priviledge of one honorary blog about them. They will also recieve a hardy standing ovation from yours truly and one free pass for a visit to Albertville, AL (gas, hotel, and other traveling fees are the responsibility of the prize winner)to visit me and Karen! All Josh and/or Joshua's are prohibited from participating in said contest.

Now I realize that some of you may be a bit confused as to what these tag lines are, so I've taken the liberty of applying my superior blog-tag-line creation skills to craft an example for you. They would look something like this:

The Smoak House: Not Worth Reading


The Smoak House: For Your Unenjoyment

and finally

The Smoak House: Hosting Unfair Competitions Daily

Of course, you'll want yours to be a bit more postiive. But hopefuly that will give you a jump start! So put on your thinking caps, warm up those fingers, and start your submissions! Contest winner will be announced in next week's blog!

Happy blog-tag-line writing!!

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