It Was But a Little White Lie...

So I said I was going to be posting a series of blogs about a book I was reading. Then I realized that it didn't have to be published on the Internet, but rather turned in as a hard copy. So I wound up doing my posts in a word doc. Sorry I told a fib, but it wasn't intentional. And truthfully, I probably spared you a bit, because unless you were reading the book along with me, you would have probably been lost to what I was saying. However, I will recommend that you read the book. It is by Mark Matlock and it is a really easy read and it discusses the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. The book is called "Living a Life That Matters".

In other news, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I haven't even posted since the world turned to 2008. I will try to get back to more regular blogs, since things should start to regain some since of normalcy...whatever that is!

For now, I'll just tell you some things I am looking forward to in 2008!

1. Karen's graduation - That's right, this year, Karen will become a nurse! I am really excited about that, excited for her, and excited to see the next chapter for her life. Will she work full time? Will she go on to get her BA? Will she become a mom? May will at least close one chapter and open another!

2. My graduation - It won't actually happen in 2008...more like 2009, but at the end of this year I will have one more semester left (for those of you keeping count that means I have 3 more full semesters left with the addition of several more workshops). But having it down to one last semester will feel really good at the end of this year!

3. Choir - I never thought I'd being doing this, but this year we will be starting a worship choir at church. Beware, this isn't your grandma's choir, we're still contemporary in music style. However, this will offer greater opportunity for more to be involved. I am really excited about the challenge!

4. New Porch Railing - I fully intend to stretch my handyman status this year by replacing our front porch railing. It has long since buckled and pulled apart at the seems, and is in dire need of being torn down, torched and being rebuilt! Anyone who knows me knows that this will probably be a hilarious sight, filled with mistakes, mismeasurements, and a few quiet expletive....that is if this little project goes as usual.

5. A new guitar - I recall this time last year thinking that 2007 would be the year of my new guitar. Well I find myself again saying that very same thing. It's amazing how priorities shift when you get married/grow older. However, the savings race has begun and I am 1/25 of the way there. I intend to, by years end, have a sparkly new Taylor 610 or 614. Here's praying that I can keep the car and truck intact, the house standing, and our health together!

6. Another year full of blessings....or not - If I were really honest, 2007 went off without a hitch. It was really a squeaky clean year. Even more so, if I were to count my blessings, it take all of 2008 to do so. I am very thankful for all the good gifts that God has blessed me and my family with. I am dually thankful for protection and provision. And I expect that 2008 will not be different. However, if for some reason, the bottom fell out, and life as I knew it was turned to shambles, what could I say. If at the end of this year I looked back and saw that everything bad that could have happened did, still I would hope that I would remember that God is good, he is in control, and BLESSED BE HIS NAME. I think about that a lot. I've been spared so much of life's troubles....I mean I've had bad days, but on the whole, life has been way too good. No tragedy has befallen, no sickness overwhelmed, no accident's almost to good to be true in this old fallen world!! Don't get me wrong, I am thankful. But you never know when life will take it's turn, and so I always want to be prepared. And even if bad times come in 2008, I think I can still say I am really blessed!

So there you have it, just a short list of what I am looking forward to about 2008! Until next time.....


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