I am currently (as in right this very moment) sitting in what will be one of the last three seminary classes I am required to take before I graduate! While I am extremely grateful for the last 4 and 1/2 years of being able to study, learn, and grow in knowledge of the bible and in the grace of Jesus, I am more than ready to be done. I take this education seriously...but I'd also seriously like to have a break from taking notes, writing papers, and especially doing "group" work.
Well it is the later that I want to mention in today's post. The class I am taking is a week long workshop, in which I must participate in a group presentation. I'd almost rather give blood than do group work. So in order to make it more bearable, I have tried to infuse some fun and entertainment into my group presentation. One thing seminary students are not short on is seriousness, so I like to try and bring the humor back....I think it keeps us from getting to high and lofty for our own good (I say as the other students around me frown and shake their heads because I am blogging in class).
So for our group presentation, we are defending small groups as the best entry point into the church (don't ask why). We were allowed creative freedom in the presentation, so our group decided to do a mock-Jeopardy! game. Since we only have a limited amount of time to present, our game needed to begin mid-game, with only one category left untouched. That category is, of course, Small Groups. However, for our props sake we needed some already-completed categories. That's where I become really valuable in a group. Truth be told, I probably am not the best at presentation, not the smartest in the group, not the most compelling arguer, or any of that. But I can think of things that at least I find funny, and put them in the presentation with the hope that others will get a little laugh out of the deal.
In order for this to really move you, it will be helpful to imagine the actual game of Jeopardy!, think of the types of questions that will go with the category, imagine Alex Trebek asking them, and then throw in a little Will Ferrell doing Alex Trebek against an indignant Sean Connery and Burt Reynolds. So here are some of the categories I am thinking about using on our Jeopardy! game board. The categories are:
1. Tongues
2. Multi-syllabic Biblical Names
3. Pastor or Cult-Leader
4. Raising Cain
5. Bible Names That End in -iah
6. Da Nile
7. Zerubbabel or Nebuchadnezzar
8. A Stone's Throw
9. Judas
10. Who's The Heretic
11. Goats of Many Colors
12. Name That Mount
That's just a few off the top of my head. Of course I can only pick my favorite 5. Your turn, what are some good biblical Jeopardy! categories?
Anonymous said...
da last One....
March 17, 2009 at 12:32 PM
Luke and Shelli said...
Great Plagues of Our Time
"Miner" Prophets
Calvin and Hobbs
March 17, 2009 at 7:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Matthew, you make me so proud.
I must say that I am particularly fond of all of your categories, especially "Bible Names That End in -iah"--I also would have accepted names that end in "-bosheth" "-achin" and "-abakkuk".
Here are my suggestions.
Ur So Vain (You Probably Think This Psalm Is About You)
Barak or Barack
No Way? Yah way!
Kyrie My Wayward Son
Pontiff or Prophet
March 18, 2009 at 6:29 AM
Anonymous said...
I throw my vote in for Karen's.
March 18, 2009 at 6:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Great article! It's essential for a fresh blogger in particular me.
January 20, 2011 at 1:57 PM
Anonymous said...
This is lots of excellent details. I found lots of things which I am searching for.
February 1, 2011 at 2:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Very easy to understand information. Thanks!
February 5, 2011 at 10:26 AM
Anonymous said...
Appreciate your sharing. Very easy to use and straightforward to recognize. Done well!
February 8, 2011 at 10:02 AM